... 4976752072 ... 4976752072Their are good rules to follow when having a debate.
May 14, 2006 09:56 PM EDT
views: 78
1. People can be very annoying when having discussions when they don't follow good rules
2. It's wrong to name calls.
3. Your goal should be to always be thorough and completely accurate. In business and politics you should not exaggerate or over simplify.
4. We should always treat each other with respect. Even those people we think are doing the country harm.
5. You should not say someone is "bad" just because they disagree with you.
6. You have to realize when it is more important to maintain the relationship, than get to truth.
7. You should try to stay on one topic at a time.
8. If you believe a different subject mater is related, and you want to change the subject to something else, you need to explain why.
9. People should only be blamed for things they have control over.
10. People should talk in specifics, not generalities. (somewhere else).
11. You should not lie, or misrepresent the facts.
12. Accusing your opponent of everything the opponent accuses you of so that neutral people who don't understand the game will assume that truth must lie somewhere in between, when in fact w there is nothing to back up your accusation, is not good (OSC).
13. Accuse the opponent of being unscientific, ignorant, or stupid ("grasp of Statistics is non-existent"), not because you actually understand science or statistics or anything else yourself, but because you just know that your team always has the facts on their side, regardless of whether you can actually prove it; so anti-establishment "evidence" must all be an ignorant misunderstanding, is not good (OSC).
14. You should not speak of your opponent with smug condescension.
15. You should not name call or attack people personally.